Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Female foeticide and Govenment advertisement for promoting abortion

Now a day I am seeing a new advertisement by government of India which is promoting people to get their unborn child aborted in government recognized health centers. This advertisement is promoting killing of unborn babies in name of population control.  If killing can be considered an acceptable way of controlling population then government should allow and promote killing of non performing population of India. Government should allow killing of old and sick people to remove liability of the nation rather than killing unborn babies.

Today killing of unborn babies is allowed if it is done in first three months of pregnancy. It is not only allowed but being encouraged by government advertisement of abortion. By viewing this advertisement people think that they deserve a bravery medal for killing their unborn child. At the same time government is running another campaign to save unborn girl child from getting killed by their parents. These two campaigns don't go together. In one case you are saying that killing an unborn baby deserves a bravery medal and in another case you are saying that killing unborn girl child is crime and a person doing it should be hanged.

This is not something which I would expect from a prime minister like Narender Modi but problem is not only with Narender Modi or BJP. The problem lies with all parties, Arvind Kejriwal who have problem with each and everything which BJP does don't find anything wrong in the advertisement of abortion by Government of India. The journalists who keep crying about bad policies of Government are not saying anything against is but supporting it by airing this advertisement on their channel. The problem is with whole intelligentsia of India who think that killing their unborn babies should be allowed to remove a possible financial burden on them and at the same time their children should not be allowed to kill them when they become old and become a financial burden to their children. 

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