Wednesday, February 11, 2015

BJP's humiliating defeat in Delhi Elections

Yesterday Delhi Assembly Election's results were announced and BJP faced a humiliating defeat by winning only 3 seats out of 70 seats. Aam Admi Party secured a win by winning 67 seats out of 70 seats. Aam Admi Party's win is being celebrated in Pakistan more than it is being celebrated, I don't understand why Pakistani people are so happy about corruption being removed from India? Anyway I don't want to discuss that in this post.

What I want to discuss in this post is reason of BJP's humiliating defeat. I have observed over last 9 months of Modi's rule is that media is trying to project that BJP and India is created by Narender Modi and BJP exist because of Narender Modi. I don't know if it is being done on instruction of Narender Modi or at instruction of opponents of BJP. All congress leaders who used to say that they are not opposed to BJP but opposed to Narender Modi are now saying that they support Narender Modi and opposes BJP. These kinds of statements are taken to heart by Narender Modi and he has started thinking that BJP exist because of him and he started neglecting BJP workers and other BJP leaders.

The truth is other way around. Narender Modi is because of BJP and BJP is not because of Narender Modi. Narender Modi was made Prime Minister because of over one crore party workers of the BJP who have a common ideology, a common belief in values. Modi was chosen a leader because he strongly identified with common ideology of the BJP party.

Now Narender Modi  is behaving in high headed manner and neglected Delhi's local party workers and local leaders in assembly polls. Popular leaders like Harshverdhan were marginalized and an external person Kiran Bedi was projected as CM candidate. This thing did not get well with BJP workers and BJP worker felt insulted and demoralized. Narender Modi thought that he is the one who is winning election for BJP and he can put anybody as CM and people will vote for him. Narender Modi repeated same mistake which was done by Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Atal Bihari Vajpayee in height of his arrogance removed Kalyan Singh the popular CM of Uttar Pradesh and replaced him with his sycophant Lalji Tandon because he think that people will accept whoever Vajpayee will put. Now you know that BJP have not come to power for 20 years in UP.

I hope that after this humiliating defeat Narender Modi will get back to scenes and realize his mistake instead of blaming others. Today what I am seeing that on facebook people gone ahead to the extent of blaming public of Delhi and not ready to talk about real reason of BJP's defeat that is arrogance of Narender Modi.      


  1. I was waiting for this but against my expectation instead of cursing kejriwal you chose to write against Modi. It came as a surprise to me.
    I share the same view that reason of defeat has eveything to do with Modi. After loksabha win and respective states he has left everything on Shah to strategies, he more of obeyed him. I don't know why they did not projected Harshvardhan, his image could have managed atleast hung assembly and bringing Bedi was pure gamble which they played knowingly because they have not roamed on roads everyday telling people that modi and his government is not cleaning your locality, hence they were left to use some gimmick which they did and lost.
    I hope BJP learnt a hard lesson that still to make a lasting impression on people they need to be on roads

  2. The actual problem I see is that people whom I talk to feel that 300 MPs who won Lokshabha seat should be thankful to Narender Modi for giving them opportunity to become MPs instead of Narender Modi being thankful to these 300 MPs for choosing Narender Modi as their leader. This kind of talks are slowly getting into mind of Narender Modi and Amit Shah. Amit Shah did not consult local BJP leaders who were out on the road talking to people for last 20 years but imposed his decision on them. I give full credit to Amit Shah for identifying thousands of good people and attaching them to BJP which led to BJPs win. But he should be aware that Amit Shah need to know that Amit Shah is becuse of these thousands of good people and these thousands of good people are not because of Amit Shah. I am not able to convince even normal people that BJP won because of party workers rather than Narender Modi so I can't think of convincing Narender Modi that he won because of BJP and BJP did not win because of him.
