Friday, January 2, 2015

Why Baba Ramdev's income is exempted from Tax?

Few days back I was having discussion with my friends and issue of Baba Ramdev's wealth came up questions were raised way Baba Ramdev's wealth should be exempted from Income Tax. Before taking up the issue of exemption from Income Tax I would like to explain why government is allowed to impose Taxes on the people.

In a country where income is uniformly distributed government don't need to impose any Tax because government don't need to run social services like Free Schools, Free Hospitals etc. because all people can pay for their expanses and government can recover cost of providing services from users. Government need very little Tax in this case for the expanses of Army for protection of country.

I will discuss taxes imposed by the government one by one and discuss their purpose one by one.

Income Tax  

In a country where 90% of total income is held by 9% of people and 9% of income is held by 90% of the people and 1% of people holding 1% of the income. 9% of the people are having income 10 time of national average (90%/9%) and 90% of people having income 1 tenth of national average income. It becomes government’s responsibility to provide Free Schools and Free Hospitals to 90% of the people. For doing this Government needs lots of funds. 10% of total national income will not be surplus. Government can't recover this cost from people who are having income 1 tenth of national average so government impose tax on 90% of the national income held of 9% of the rich people.

Imposing a tax of 10% on income above national average will yield 8.1% of national income because 9% of the income of richer 9% was exempted from Income Tax and only 81% of national income is taxed. In India where national average income is 20000 per year per person, average income of 9% of rich people comes to be around 2 Lakhs per year. But government is keeping tax free slab to 2.5 Lakhs per person for income tax. It is because in India income distribution is even more uneven and 1% of people are having 50% of total national income which is coming at 50 times of national average income (50%/1%). In India where average national income is 20,000 per year income of 1% of the richest people comes to be around 10 Lakhs per year. 

As per current income tax rules income below 2.5 Lakhs is tax free, income above 2.5 Lakhs is taxed at 10% and Income above 5 Lakhs is taxed at 20%. The tax for 10 Lakhs comes to be around 1.25 Lakhs which is 12.5% for the income of richest 1% population of India. Taxing 50% of national income at 12.5% will yield 6.25% of total national income as Income Tax. 

I would like to emphasis once again on fact that although this tax is not exorbitant from any standard the government is allowed to collect this tax only on promise that this money will be used in providing services to 90% of lesser privileged people of the country. If government can't do that it has no right to collect taxes. I will like to say once again that 1% of people holding 50% of total national income have their duty toward lesser privileged people of their country and must not resort to tax aversion on the pretext that government is corrupt. If a government is corrupt then why don't these 1% of the rich people start their own initiative to help poor people of the country? 

Wealth Tax

When wealth distribution in the country is uneven and large amount of wealth is held by a very small people of the country then government resort to wealth tax. Here also principal of taxing richer people for welfare of poor people is applied and personal property of people having 50 times of national average property is taxed. Community property which belongs to thousands or lakhs of people is not taxed because per person property value is very less and does not come in taxable limits.

The purpose of this tax is to reduce disparity in society and government have right to collect this tax only for welfare of people.

In India Wealth Tax is imposed on property more than 30 Lakhs in term of Gold, or Immovable property where house tax is not applicable. Property where house tax is applicable is not counted towards Wealth Tax.

Inheritance Tax

This one of the illegal tax which is imposed by some countries to extort money from poor descendant of the property. If government thinks that property value was very high and needs to be taxed then it should be taxed as Wealth Tax and not at death of a person. If we assume that a new generation will take over property from older generation every 30 years then taxing inheritance at 30% will yield same result as taxing 1% per year as wealth tax.

Inheritance tax is inhuman in most of the situations. For example if a person receives a house in which he is living as inherited property. He will be forced to sell that house to pay Inheritance Tax.

In India inheritance tax was abolished in 1985.

Excise Duty   

When government can't get enough money from Income and Wealth Tax due to high tax aversion and low tax rate then government resort to indirectly taxing spending of 1% rich people of the country. Excise duty is imposed on the goods manufactured in the country. Different commodities are taxed at different  rates luxury items like cars and cosmetics is taxed at higher rate and essential commodities are either tax free or taxed at very lower rate.

Here also I would like to stress on the fact that government is allowed to tax rich people only for welfare of poor people.

Sales Tax

Sales tax is imposed on sale of commodities for covering of deficit of tax collection from other taxes. Here also luxury items are taxed at higher rate and essential commodities like food grains, books is kept tax free. 

Investment instruments are either tax free or taxed at a very low rate. Securities traded in stock exchange are taxed at rate of 0.1% and gold items are taxed at 1.01%.

Stamp Duty

Stamp Duty is imposed on items on which sale tax is not applicable like sale of house or land. Here also same principle of taxing low on investment instrument and essential commodities needs to be applied. 

A house can be classified either an essential commodity or investment instrument and can never be classified as luxury items. But unfortunately government has resort to impose stamp duty of 10% on house purchase which is illegal from the point of justice. Maximum stamp duty which should be imposed on sales dead should be equal to sale tax on gold which is 1.01%.

House Tax 

House tax is imposed on people for up keeping of services like sanitation of the locality. It is more of a service charge than a tax. It is imposed for services which is provided to payer of the tax rather than for the welfare of poor people.

Water and Electricity charges

Water and Electricity charges the levied on people for up-keeping of facilities which people are consuming.


There are some exemptions granted when people spend money directly on the purpose for which government is collecting tax. In that case any money given to organization who are spending their money on welfare of people is exempted from income tax because government have no right to tax money spent on providing medical facilities. That is why any money donated to organizations involved in providing medicines and education to poor people is exempted from income tax under section 80G.

These organizations who work for welfare of people also need to build some physical assets which are having monetary value from money received as donation for purpose of providing services to poor people. If I want to provide medical facilities to 10 lakh people I can't do it from one 10x10 room. I will have to purchase land and build a big hospital for doing that. I need to do all this from money received as donation for providing free medical facilities to people because I am building these assets for providing facilities to poor people and I don't see any reason why donation money used for purchasing land and building hospital for providing medicines to poor people to be taxable.

If the organization running hospital for poor people also runs a small business of producing medicines and spend all income received from that business for welfare of poor people then I see no reason why that income should taxed.

Baba Ramdev is running an organization which is involved in providing free medical facilities to lakhs of people. For doing that he had to purchase land and build hospitals. He runs a small business of selling medicines and profit made by this business is donated to hospital run by Baba Ramdev for welfare of poor people. I don't see any reason why his income should not be tax free.

It is not that money made by teaching yoga is tax free and money made teaching aerobics is taxable. It is based on what the money received is spent. If it is spent on someone's personal pleasure then it is taxable and if it is spent on social welfare of people it is tax free.

Some people say stat Baba Ramdev is having property worth 1000 crore and if he had made 1000 crore then he should have paid tax of 300 crore also. I would like to say that this property belongs to the social welfare organization which Baba Ramdev is running and it is not Baba Ramdev's personal property. This property is required for providing free services to poor people and without this property services to poor people cannot be provided.


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