Friday, January 2, 2015

People disturbed my sleep on 31st December by burning crackers at midnight and police did not do anything

I was sleeping peacefully at my house on night of 31st December 2014 and when I was in sound sleep I was woken up by heavy sound of crackers. It was 12:00 o'clock in midnight. Who allowed people to burn crackers in midnight and disturb my sleep?

I remembered that 2 months back police published a warning in newspapers that anybody burning crackers after 10:00 PM and disturbing people's sleep will be arrested. Environmentalists were crying against pollution being created by firecrackers and urging people not to burn crackers. But on 31st December 2014 neither police nor environmentalists were doing anything. Why?

Does it have anything to do with fact that 2 months back when people were concerned  for right of sleep in night, firecracker were burnt to mark a Hindu festival and on 31st December 2014 firecracker were burnt to mark Christen new year? I think yes it is the reason that is why all environmentalists have gone silent and police is also silent. Why police is not upholding the law that burning crackers after 10:00 PM is a crime? Why social activist are not protesting against police's inaction?

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